1 Creation of CD failed on call to DialogBox() 2 Invalid structure size passed to CD 3 Failure initializing CD. Possibly\n do to insufficient memory. 4 Failure finding custom template for CD 5 Instance handle not passed to CD 6 Failure loading specified string 7 Failure finding specified resource 8 Failure loading specified resource 9 Failure locking specified resource 10 Failure allocating memory for internal CD structure 11 Failure locking memory for internal CD structure 12 No hook function passed to CD but ENABLEHOOK\n was passed as a flag 13 Failure setting up resources for CD 14 Failure parsing strings in [devices]\n section of WIN.INI 15 PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag was set but either the \n hDevMode or hDevNames field was nonzero 16 Failure loading the printers device driver 17 The printer driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure 18 Print CD failed during initialization 19 No printer device drivers were found 20 No default printer was found 21 Data in DEVMODE contradicts data in DEVNAMES 22 Failure creating an IC 23 Printer not found 24 No fonts exist 25 Failure subclassing during initialization of CD 26 Invalide filename passed to FileOpen or FileSave 27 Buffer passed to CD too small to accomodate string 28 Write Files(*.WRI)|*.WRI|Word Files(*.DOC; *.TXT)|*.doc;*.txt| 29 Unknown error. 100 Unregistered Copy 101 GifLoader V1.1 102 Copyright © 1997 by Kevin Routley. 103 All rights reserved. 104 105 Registered Copy 106 Load GIF or BMP files as wallpaper!